Seamless communication and collaboration

How much time is wasted in your business trying to find content and documents, navigating different systems and apps, struggling with technology issues, and managing internal communication?

If you ask any employee what would make their job easier, they’ll probably say ‘better technology’. But, as an employer, you may be shocked to learn that, on average, each week, one whole working day is lost by each employee. Why? Because they’re losing valuable time on activities such as searching for information that should be readily accessible.

RAD ION features

RAD ION combines an intuitive and easy-to-use SharePoint intranet platform with a Digital Workplace strategy and comprehensive training programme. It’s a unique and powerful service designed to streamline your internal business communication, collaboration, 365 workflows, and document management with features that include:

What is a Digital Workplace?

RAD ION delivers much more for your business than just a powerful, industry-leading intranet. It’s a Digital Workplace investment.

The Digital Workplace encompasses all the technologies and processes people use to get work done today and in the future. It ranges from HR and core business applications to email, instant messaging, enterprise social media and virtual meeting tools.

Organisations have seen a 67% increase in productivity, a 53% increase in employee engagement, and a 43% increase in revenue by implementing Digital Workplaces.
Avanade’s Digital Workplace Research

How does RAD ION work?

With RAD ION, we help you establish a Digital Workplace that delivers increased productivity, better communication, boosted performance and revenue, improved employee experience and retention, reduced IT costs, and more. And our intranet is at the heart of it all.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Consultation of key business stakeholders
  2. Establishing the vision and goals for your Digital Workplace
  3. Digital Workplace strategy launch
  4. Recruitment of Digital Workplace champions
  5. Assessment of your Microsoft 365 and technology ecosystem
  6. Ways of Working Strategy
  7. Communication and education within your organisation
  8. Delivery of a Training Strategy
  9. Development of an effective governance model
  10. Measure success and deliver improvements
  11. Ongoing adoption programme
  12. Professional services on demand

RAD ION Benefits

Build your Digital Workplace strategy

We start by exploring the benefits of a Digital Workplace and how it can power your organisation and users. We work with you to establish the best technology versus the right technology and then create your Digital Workplace strategy.

Your Digital Workplace strategy will focus on the ‘pain points’ of your employees to ensure RAD ION can quickly deliver value and a great return on your investment.

Industry-leading intranet

Whether your department is finance, HR or communications, having an intranet solution at the heart of everything you do will deliver tangible benefits to your employees. They will become more productive, more efficient, more knowledgeable, and always up-to-date on what’s happening in your organisation.

The RAD ION intranet is where employees start their day with their apps, information, content and the latest company news, all in one central place. You get an attractive, custom-branded intranet. And with over 100 different layouts, you are ready to add content the day it’s deployed.

Full Microsoft 365 integration

RAD ION fully integrates into your Microsoft 365 platform, enhancing your employee experience and delivering benefits. Applications such as Yammer, Teams, OneDrive, Stream and Delve enable employees to be more productive.

You will also benefit from the full capabilities of the Microsoft Power Platform, making the most of applications like Power BI, Power Automate, Virtual Agents and Power Apps.

Maximise your technology investments

There are so many technologies within the Microsoft 365 platform, and they are undoubtedly industry-leading. But are they the right technology for your organisation? Adoption is key to using the right technologies to yield the most benefits in your organisation.

With all the emails, videos, documents and updates from Microsoft, it can be challenging to keep track of them. RAD ION helps by informing you on the latest updates and what they will do to drive your Digital Workplace.

Manage content and documents with ease

Content that’s spread out or hidden soon becomes abandoned, outdated, or irrelevant. With your new intranet, you can consolidate everything into one SharePoint platform. You can finally store your content, information, knowledge and links in one central place.

Employees will save hours searching documents, looking for information and getting what they need to perform their roles to the best of their ability. Plus, there will be no more paper printouts; everything is in published content, document-managed files like Word and PDF, instantly reducing your paper costs.

Transform your onboarding process

No business wants to pay more on admin costs than is necessary. But that’s what happens when onboarding processes take too long.

A modern-day intranet can transform the onboarding process for new employees by enabling them to serve themselves efficiently and become more productive, sooner. New employees have instant access to all the paperwork they need, as well as the essential forms, documents, and videos on your training portal.

Upskill your team

There are so many technologies within the Microsoft 365 platform, and they are undoubtedly industry-leading. But are they the right technology for your organisation? Adoption is key to using the right technologies to yield the most benefits in your organisation.

With all the emails, videos, documents and updates from Microsoft, it can be challenging to keep track of them. RAD ION helps by informing you on the latest updates and what they will do to drive your Digital Workplace.

Enable your workforce to become smarter, work better, and save money through easy knowledge sharing.

Get to grips with governance

Clearly defined ownership and management structure will underpin the sustainable success of your new Digital Workplace strategy. Creating a governance model provides clarity and rules around the roles and responsibilities of its users, editors, stakeholders and contributors.

Measure the success of your Digital Workplace strategy

Defining quantifiable goals and determining precisely what you want to
accomplish is one of the most critical steps in your strategy. Aligning your
metrics with your business goals will ensure that all your employees support
the most critical priorities in the company.

Our challenge was to move away from our older under performing systems with limited disruption to the business, partnering with the RAD Group to migrate our systems was the best decision we made


Time to transform your organisation’s communication and collaboration with an effective Digital Workplace strategy and industry-leading intranet? The first simple step is to contact us and arrange an initial discovery call.


Delivering Managed IT services to businesses of all types and sizes across the UK and internationally driving down IT costs, improving system performance and increasing productivity to ensure your business has all the tools to be successful.







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